About Hygiene, Ireland

What are the Food Safety Requirements for a Residential Care Setting?

What are the Food Safety Requirements for a Residential Care Setting?

Where a residential care setting provides food to people in their care, relevant staff are required to have food safety training. This is recommended by the Environmental Health Association of Ireland (EHAI).

What Food Safety Course is recommended for Care Assistants, Allied Health Professionals, Housekeeping Personnel?

Care Assistants, Allied Health Professionals, Housekeeping Personnel should have received at least a 3-hour food safety awareness course i.e. Food Hygiene Awareness Training (FSAI) Level 1 should be undertaken by workers who might serve the food /drinks only or responsible for housekeeping task where food is stored, prepared and/or served. About Hygiene Ltd, organises Food Hygiene & Allergen Awareness Food Safety Courses for staff. See events for current courses.  

What Food Safety Course is recommended for the Cook/ Chef?

The people that work more closely with food (i.e. cook, food preparation, supervisor of deliveries and or collection of food, managers) should have the QQI (formally FETAC) Level 4 Food Safety & Hygiene Training programmes or EHAI equivalent Primary Food Handlers Certificate (even if the service is bringing in prepared food). The supervisor/manager should be trained. About Hygiene delivery both QQI Level 4 Food Safety Course and Primary Food Handlers Certificate courses. See events for currents courses.  

Does the Residential Care Provider need to HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) Food Safety System?

Yes, implementing a HACCP System for a Residential Care Provider is a very simple process

HACCP is a system that allows you to identify and control any hazards that could lead to food poisoning illness, harm or injury during the preparation and service of food. It involves identifying what can go wrong, planning to prevent issues and documenting good practice.

How can Residential Care Provider meet Food Safety Legal Requirements?

To meet HACCP legal requirements, purchase the Food Safety Authority of Ireland's (FSAI) "SafeCatering" pack and then your businesses will comply with its Food Safety legal requirements. 

The pack provides guidance needed for the day to day kitchen management and comes complete with records required to prove your business prepares and serves safe food. To get a the “SafeCatering” pack see "www.fsai.ie" or contact ourselves or your Local Environmental Office for advice. The cost the “SafeCatering” is €70.00. 

This is recommended by the HIQA, EHAI and the FSAI.

What is the Food Safety requirements for Managers/Owners?

Managers, Owners, need to be able to manage HACCP systems. They should also have a good understanding of how to implement a HACCP Programme for their workplace - understand the requirements of the “SafeCatering” Pack.

All food businesses are required by law to have a food safety management system in place based on the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point).

What can About Hygiene Ltd, do for you? (that's free)

Contact About Hygiene Ltd, HACCP Food Safety Training Consultants can be contacted for free HACCP Food Safety Advice and Guidance.

Telephone the office @ 071 9645111 - Ask for Evelyn or Fiona. 


Upcoming Training Courses

HACCP Food Safety Management - 3 day(s)
LocationStart Date  
Via Zoom Sept. 30, 2024 View Book

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