About Hygiene, Ireland

HACCP Food Safety & Hygiene Training FAQs

I’m a sole trader. Do I still need Food Hygiene Training?

Food Safety and Hygiene Training Courses  Food Safety and Hygiene Traning  Food Safety and Hygiene Traning

Regardless of the size of your business, if you handle or prepare food that is consumed by others then you need to comply with the HACCP Food Safety and Food Hygiene Legislation.

What training do I need to provide for my employees?

The Law requires that any food handlers are trained, instructed and/or supervised to a level which is appropriate for their duties.

A supervisor will need a higher level of training than the staff they manage. Although the law does stipulate that formal training is required, a quality assured certificate showing your employees and supervisors has passed a recognised course is one way of showing you have complied with the law.

To get more details on our courses, please call us on 00 353 71 9645111 or email us at train@abouthygiene.ie

What are the minimum or maximum number of delegates on each course?

There are no minimum requirements and you can train as many delegates as you like with our online learning however for effective onsite training the recommendation is one trainer to ever 12 delegates. Therefore if you need 20 people training all at once at your premises on a particular day we would send two trainers in this instance or carry out a morning, afternoon or evening session.

Can you deliver onsite courses at weekends?

Yes, we can run courses to suit your business needs and work with you to avoid disruption to your business.

I did a food hygiene course several years ago. Do I need to do another?

Yes. It’s recommended that you keep up to date every three years to maintain food safety standards and to ensure awareness of current legal requirements.  However, our certificates do not have an expiry date.

How long do the courses take to complete?

The courses differ in length. When you browse each course the duration is shown in the course details.

Do the courses have an exam that needs to be passed?

Yes, and all the information needed to pass the exam is explained during the course. Oral assessment may be completed by prior arrangement.

Upcoming Training Courses

HACCP Food Safety Management - 3 day(s)
LocationStart Date  
Via Zoom Sept. 30, 2024 View Book

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